FM Tuners

The 109 Signature Edition is not only our best tuner but the best in the world. The tuner board is Magnum Dynalab’s best we have ever made, the TRACC MKII audio has been under development for 10 years by Zdenko Zivkovic, it features Teflon By-pass caps, fully balanced output,on board trimmers so tubes can be matched as they are listened to, WBT RCA’s, a brand new tube load and configuration and
new Ultra Premium tubes.

This tuner has been the world reference standard tuner for many years. The 109 and 108T share the same architecture with our large chassis, TRACC audio board, dual transformer power supply board which separates the control functions and the audio path, our TAB2006 control board and the 108RF
board. The 109 features premium Sifam signal and centre tune meters and an LCD touch screen.
The 108T Signature Edition shares the same internal architecture as our MD109 tuner. The tuner board is Magnum Dynalab’s best we have ever made, the TRACC MKII audio has been under development for 10 years by Zdenko Zivkovic, it features Teflon By-pass caps, fully balanced output, on board trimmers so tubes can be matched as they are listened to, WBT RCA’s, a brand new tube load and configuration and new Ultra Premium tubes, 100% gold plates traces and contacts on the audio board and power supply.
This tuner was the world reference standard tuner for many years. It features our TRACC audio board, dual transformer power supply board which separates the control functions and the audio path, our TAB2006 control board and the 108RF board. The 108T features premium Sifam signal and centre tune meters and our magic eye tuning system.

The MD107 replaced the MD106 in our line. This tuner has an artful faceplate featuring our Magic eye tuning system and shares the same premium tuning meters as our MD108T and MD209 with blue LED backlights.
The 105T replaced the popular 102T in our line. The 105T has a dramatic new cosmetic look. It comes in our larger all aluminum chassis and has a one inch thick front faceplate with blue segment displays.
The 105 replaced the popular 102 in our line. The 105 has a dramatic new cosmetic look. It comes in our larger all aluminum chassis and has a one inch thick front faceplate with blue segment displays.
The MD90TSE replaced the 100T in our line with the same features.
It has the same features as the 90T, plus …
Upgraded audio section with Solen polypropylene capacitors plus by-pass caps
Brass flywheel and brass clutch precision tuning mechanism
Balanced output
MD 90 SE FM Tuner – Solid State Special Edition
The 90SE replaced our popular MD100 tuner and has the same features.
The 90SE has the same features as the MD90, plus …
Upgraded audio section with Solen polypropylene capacitors plus by-pass caps
Balanced output
Brass flywheel and brass clutch precision tuning mechanism.
The 90T launched Magnum Dynalab into a whole new world of audio performance when Zdenko Zivkovic developed our first triode tube audio board for this model. The difference was breathless and still is. All of our top tuners feature triode tube output stages. The 90T has become our top selling tuner.
The FT101 was first FM tuner and it launched the brand in 1985. It redefined sonically what FM could be. The FT101A was a further refined improvement on the original and the MD90 as the replacement sets a new standard for FM quality. Even though the MD90 is our entry level
tuner it is used throughout North America by radio stations to monitor their broadcasts and for remote
relays of FM signals.