
The Silver Ribbon FM antennae are both unique and attractive. The functional, bright-metal elements of this fm antenna may be adjusted by simply pulling upward on the center adjustment knob. This provides a precisely-tuned element at the proper impedance for each receivable FM or UHF HDTV signal on the band, thereby maximizing reception. The Silver Ribbon FM antennas are easily rotated in position to provide the best orientation for maximum signal pickup from the tuned FM or HDTV station. Indoor FM reception presents its own unique "multi path" problems due to metal used in building construction. Similarly, furniture and even people within the room can affect FM reception. The Silver Ribbon FM antennas help avoid that problem by allowing the user to "focus" the fm antenna on either the main or a strong, reflected signal.

A more powerful FM Antenna than any single element dipole antenna, the ST-2 vertical antenna is probably one of the best things ever to happen to FM listeners in urban and fringe reception areas alike. Concentrating its reception "focus" only on the horizontal plane, the ST-2 FM Antenna is capable of getting more signal to your FM tuner with less "flutter" and "fading." The ST-2 FM Antenna is also less susceptible to "multipath interference," due to its unique vertical polarization. Right from its PH17-7 stainless steel whip through to the stainless-steel encased, precision-wound loading coil, the ST-2 FM Antenna is built tough. Yet it passes the most fragile of FM signals to your FM tuner's circuitry with the kind of strength sometimes found only with much larger, multi-element fm antennas. Being a 1/2 wave design and not requiring a "ground plane" or counterpoise," it is equally at home mounted on a mast, a balcony, hanging in the window or from a tree. The ST-2 FM Antenna offers greatly enhanced FM tuning performance, and signal strength.
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MD 205 Signal Sleuth - FM Amplifier

- 3 Stage FM tuner amplifier
- Unique in the world because it only amplifies the station you are tuned to up to 30 db.
- You can also decrease the signal by up to 30 db. If you are experiencing overload from a close station.
- Steeply rejects by 18 db. Per octave all other stations
- By-pass mode
- Tuning knob tunes to the station you wish to amplify
- The gain knob allows you to boost the signal or decrease it.
- Detachable power cord.
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This is our statement piece. Incredibly powerful, controlled yet musically stunning this Hybrid integrated has it all. This current amplifier has a dual tube front-end gain board that sends the musical signal through our TRACC audio control system to 40 Sanken solid state output devices to deliver a magical music stage which is dynamic, delicate and refined.

The MD307 internally is identical in every way as the MD309 but cosmetically has a more economical 3/8 inch aluminum faceplate without the touch screen and meters. It is priced proportionately less as a result.

This amplifier features many of the same design elements of the 307 and 309 but offers less power. The unit has the same hybrid front end, TRACC control board and 20 Sanken output devices.

The MD209 is the only receiver made in North America. It incorporates the amplifier from the MD306 that we couple to our Reference quality RF section from the MD108T and MD109. It also uses the same Sifam precision meters as the 108T. This receiver offers a tremendous value to our customers. Many customers are downsizing their systems and they can do so without sacrificing quality.

This is our entry level amplifier that offers great performance with the same design philosophy as our top of the line products. A Hybrid front-end with a single tube, TRACC audio control and Sanken outputs.

The 801 is our entry level media tuner featuring our custom designed solid state audio section. Our line of INTERNET MEDIA TUNERS starts with the MD 801, but this product is far from entry-level. It is, like our long-standing line of FM tuners, worthy of inclusion in any high-performance home audio system, and even whole-house installations. And with access not only to Internet radio, but also an easy way to navigate your existing collection of digital audio, our line of INTERNET RADIO TUNERS is an exciting next step in the evolution of distributed audio.

The 806T is our first Triode tube media tuner with our gold plated, 0.093 thick circuit board and balanced output.

The 807T features a premium audio section like our MD107 and includes our up-converting and over- sampling Burr-Brown DAC with an additional co-ax digital input so all the digital signals are processed to optimize sound.

TThe 809 features the same TRACC Audio board and power supply as the 109 FM tuner. Instead of the FM tuner board it uses the Frontier Silicon Venice 8 digital module to provide Internet Radio stations, FM and MY Music playback through your network or the USB input. The 809 has a 5.7 inch color touch screen and remote control. The 809 is also has the Burr-Brown 24/192 up-converting over-sampling balanced DAC built in. For your convenience you have two co-ax and one Tos-link digital input in the back that you can switch from the remote control. The 809 features our full size chassis with matching road case.
MD809T Signature Edition

The 809 Signature Edition has the same features as the 809 plus:
MD 90 Solid State

The FT101 was first Magnum Dynalab Analogue FM tuner and it launched the brand in 1985. It redefined sonically what FM could be. The FT101A was a further refined improvement on the original and the MD90 as the replacement sets a new standard for FM quality. Even though the MD90 is our entry level tuner it is used throughout North America by radio stations to monitor their broadcasts and for remote relays of FM signals.
MD90T Triode Tube

The 90T launched Magnum Dynalab into a whole new world of audio performance when Zdenko Zivkovic developed our first triode tube audio board for this model.
The difference was breathless and still is. All of our top tuners feature triode tube output stages. The 90T has become our top selling tuner.
The 90T has the same features as the MD90 plus:
MD90SE – Special Edition Solid State

The 90SE replaced our popular MD100 tuner and has the same features.
The 90SE has the same features as the MD90 plus:

The MD90TSE replaced the 100T in our line with the same features.
It has the same features as the 90T plus:
MD 105 Solid State

The 105 replaced the popular 102 in our line. The 105 has a dramatic new cosmetic look. It comes in our larger all aluminum chassis and has a one inch thick front faceplate with blue segment displays.
MD 105T Triode Tube

The 105T replaced the popular 102T in our line. The 105T has a dramatic new cosmetic look. It comes in our larger all aluminum chassis and has a one inch thick front faceplate with blue segment displays.
MD107 Triode Tube

The MD107 replaced the MD106 in our line. This tuner has an artful faceplate featuring our Magic eye tuning system and shares the same premium tuning meters as our MD108T and MD209 with blue LED backlights.
MD108T Standard

This tuner was the world reference standard tuner for many years. It features our TRACC audio board, dual transformer power supply board which separates the control functions and the audio path, our TAB2006 control board and the 108RF board. The 108T features premium Sifam signal and centre tune meters and our magic eye tuning system. The ultimate in sound quality the MD109T and 108T series of tuners.
MD108T Signature Edition

The 108T Signature Edition shares the same internal architecture as our MD109 tuner. The tuner board is Magnum Dynalab’s best we have ever made, the TRACC MKII audio has been under development for 10 years by Zdenko Zivkovic, it features Teflon By-pass caps, fully balanced output, on board trimmers so tubes can be matched as they are listened to, WBT RCA’s, a brand new tube load and configuration and new Ultra Premium tubes. 100% gold plates traces and contacts on the audio board and power supply.

This tuner has been the world reference standard tuner for many years. The 109 and 108T share the same architecture with our large chassis, TRACC audio board, dual transformer power supply board which separates the control functions and the audio path, our TAB2006 control board and the 108RF board. The 109 features premium Sifam signal and centre tune meters and an LCD touch screen. The ultimate in sound quality the MD109T and 108T series of tuners.

The 109 Signature Edition is not only our best tuner but the best in the world. The tuner board is Magnum Dynalab’s best we have ever made, the TRACC MKII audio has been under development for 10 years by Zdenko Zivkovic, it features Teflon By-pass caps, fully balanced output,on board trimmers so tubes can be matched as they are listened to, WBT RCA’s, a brand new tube load and configuration and new Ultra Premium tubes.